Summary List

Total Miles on Road Trip (Leaving Home to Getting Home):  4,796
Days of Trip:  52 days
Total Miles on the RV (Pickup at Rental to Dropoff): 4,995 (we had estimated 5,000)
Total Days we had the RV:  56

Number of States/Provinces Visited:  19 States + Washington, D.C., + Ontario, Canada
Most States/Provinces Visited in One Day:  5 (NJ, NY, CT, RI, MA - July 12)

Gas Bought:  606.88 Gallons
Cost of Gas:  $903.02
Average Price:  $1.488
Average Mileage:  8.4 MPG

Number of Souvenir Thimbles Patti Sue Bought:  22
Places Commemorated in these Thimbles:  21 (She found a better one for the same place....)

Trip Favorites
While we really enjoyed all of the places we visited (each stop would have been worhty of the trip on their own), we have been asked about favorites.  There were so many great things we did and, more importantly, great people we got to meet and see again.  But I have a habit of asking often what highlights the kids remember -- for my interest as well as to help them be in a habit of reflecting.  These are the most-recalled:

Joe Lazer Tag
White House Tour
Jeff Lazer Tag
Intrepid Museum, Manhattan
Lake Fun, Michigan Lake House
Mandy Everything in Manhattan - Especially the Broadway Play RENT
Patti Sue Boogie Boarding in the Ocean
Games in Evenings - with our family in the RV and with her sisters in Michigan
Broadway Play RENT
Riding Bikes for transport in Maine and Lake George, NY
Bill Sliding Rock, NC
Plimoth Plantation
Intrepid Museum, Manhattan
Lazer Tag
Fishing with Joe in the Blue Ridge Mountains